When the General Assembly began its work last November, as speaker I pledged a session driven by five main issues: increased road funding, enhanced job training, early childhood education, fair business taxation and cutting government red tape. With the 118th General Assembly behind us, it is clear Republicans accomplished each of these priorities, and much more.
Due to conservative Republican budgeting principles, Indiana is in one of the best fiscal positions of any state in the nation. This fiscal strength gave us the ability in a non-budget year to allocate up to $400 million to new major highway construction projects with many starting yet this year. These state funds could leverage an additional $1.6 billion in federal funding to bring at least $2 billion of new construction to bear on major interstate highway choke points, creating thousands of Hoosier construction jobs and greatly improving the safety and economic benefit of our self-styled “Crossroads of America” and our growing logistics sector.
Read the full story from the Kokomo Tribune