Invoking the words of Abraham Lincoln himself in closing his Putnam County Lincoln Day address Sunday afternoon, Indiana Speaker of the House Brian Bosma charged Putnam County Republicans to "do their duty."
It is important, Bosma said, to convey the party's mission and philosophy in an effort to help reverse national trends and continue the success Indiana has experienced the past 10 years.
He left the local GOP faithful with the words of America's 16th president: "The past is the cause of the present, and the present will be the cause of the future."
Expanding on that theory, Bosma said Hoosiers, like the Putnam County folks in attendance at the fairgrounds Sunday afternoon, "just need to do their duty." Inherent in that, he said is voting and organizing the party at the grassroots level to ensure the government they want to see.
America could do well, Bosma suggested, to emulate the success of Indiana has seen the past 10 years, rebounding from what he called "dysfunctional government" to enact major legislation during 2014 alone that will provide first-time state funds for pre-kindergarten education for low-income children to investing $400 million in roads and bridges to enacting measures to improve Indiana's workforce.
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